
Writing Tip 432: “Jive” vs. “Jibe” vs. “Gibe”

Let me tell you something that seriously doesn’t jive with me… Okay, how do you think I could finish that sentence? Where do you think I’m going? What actually makes sense? Do you know the difference between “jive” vs. “jibe” vs. “gibe”? There’s a chance I see this incorrectly written more frequently than I see it correct, so let’s talk this out:


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“The Plural form of ‘You’ Already Exists” – encore episode

A few stolen minutes out of your day to talk words and communication, because our daily lives are surrounded by the evolution and influence of words. Forget the grammar police. There is so much more to this conversation.


Story Stop - Enter the Toastmasters

Story Stop: Enter the Toastmasters (encore episode)

A few stolen minutes out of your day to talk words and communication, because our daily lives are surrounded by the evolution and influence of words. Forget the grammar police. There is so much more to this conversation.



Writing Tip 431: “On Guard” or “En Garde”?

Does double-checking your work sometimes feel like the grammar police are saying “on guard” or “en garde” or … how do you spell that expression again? This one goes out to anyone who’s ever wanted to be one of the three musketeers—or even the three mouseketeers. (Yes, that’s a shout-out to Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. You’re welcome). First things first, don’t let any ideas of grammar police get you down. Are you working to be as clear, concise, and correct as possible with your communications? Awesome. The pursuit is half the battle won. (And you’re on this writing tips blog, […]


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“Prouder” or “More Proud” than a Peacock? (Plus a Spelling Meme Debunked) – encore episode

A few stolen minutes out of your day to talk words and communication, because our daily lives are surrounded by the evolution and influence of words. Forget the grammar police. There is so much more to this conversation.


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