Kris Spisak

Write It Down – Journal Prompt #3 (video)

We’ve been on this journal writing journey together, because this is a time like no other in your lifetime, because this is a time difficult to process, because this is a time you have the ability to preserve with your stories and your voice. We all have a voice. Let yours be a part of this moment in history. Write it down.

For journal prompt #3, let’s talk about relationships. Who do you live with? How’s everyone doing? How does everyone show their feelings? How have you had a chance to connect in new ways? Who’s not with you that you wish was? And lastly, what about your relationship with yourself? Are you treating yourself kindly in the midst of all of this?

Write it down.

This is the journal prompt #3 in my #WriteItDown Series. Follow along with me as we keep recording our stories in this moment we’ll never forget.

Follow along here on my blog, on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Everyone has a story to add to this moment. Add your voice.

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