Kris Spisak

Write It Down – Journal Prompt #5 (video)

Storytelling is an ancient tradition. As far back as at least Herodotus, we have collected our stories to preserve moments in time, to save them from being forgotten, to remember what it was like to live through a moment that changed the course of our lives. Some of these moments are small. Some of these moments are breathtaking and world-changing. We’re living through one of these moments. Write it down.

For journal prompt #5: What was the moment when this new reality set in for you, when it wasn’t just something in some far off place, when it wasn’t an abstract fear but a true new reality? What was it that you heard or saw or learned that made you realized that things would be different?

And then what were your first reactions? How did you prep yourself? Your family? Your home? What did you make sure you had a supply of?

You can keep going with this idea, of course, what did you think you’d need a lot of but that hasn’t really mattered? What do you wish you had thought of in those early epiphany moments? What do you wish you had done? What are you so happy that you did do?

Write it down. Write it all down.

Perfection doesn’t matter. There’s no due date and no one’s eyes need to see it but your own unless you wanted to share it. You get to decide.

Just tell your story. Because that’s what people do. We have since the beginning of time. And we always will. Add your voice to the record.

This is the journal prompt #5 in my #WriteItDown Series.

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