Kris Spisak

Write It Down – Journal Prompt #9 (video)

When we talk about a day-to-day accounting of your life, writing down the moments, capturing your world, your relationships, and your activities, sometimes we don’t take the time to process how it all feels. Take a moment and acknowledge that. How are you doing?

What have been the stages of your emotions through this whole time period? Disbelief? Annoyance? Impatience? Anger? Grief? Determination?

Have you been writing it down, allowing yourself to process the new truths of your life and this moment? Writing anything down gives you time to absorb it, understand it, question it, and spark new ideas.

For journal prompt #9, let’s focus on you.

This is the journal prompt #9 in my #WriteItDown Series.

Previous #WriteItDown journal prompts:

Follow along here on my blog, on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. Everyone has a story to add to this moment. Add your voice.

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