Kris Spisak

Writing Tip 446: “Flouting” or “Flaunting” the Rules

Skater - Flouting or Flaunting the Rules
Will she flout the rules or flaunt them? Well, maybe it depends on if she’s feeling rebellious or a desire to show off her precision. (Though you’re likely looking only for one of these words)

Let’s talk rebels with an ostentatious cause, because whether we’re talking “flout” or “flaunt,” rebellion and arrogance are likely part of the conversation.

Both “flout” and “flaunt” are verbs we shouldn’t quite aspire to. Both have a negative implication hiding in their natures, and maybe that’s the source of the confusion between them. Maybe it’s the fact that they’ve both been in use since the 1500s. Maybe it’s the fact that they both begin with “fl” and end with “t.”

But here’s what you need to know:

Interestingly enough, usage of “flount” seemed to rub off on “flaunt” a hundred years or so ago, because “flaunt” can also have an even more negative definition of showing off for the sake of looking down upon others—a contemptuous addition to the original usage.

With this background, let’s return to our original question, and you’ll likely already know the answer:

Question: Is it “Flouting” or “Flaunting” the Rules?
Answer: Flouting the rules, of course.

Now, if we’re talking about a skater girl flaunting the rules, it’s possible she’s showing off how perfectly by-the-book she can execute a nollie frontside 360. Maybe she’s flaunting her sick skills on camera for her viewers. So, yes, you could twist this word into possibly being a correct usage, but beyond my stretch of a story, it’s almost never the intended fit for the phrase.

“Flout” was first used as a verb in 1551 and as a noun in 1566, though it’s most commonly a verb today. Records seem to show that “flaunt” also first appeared in 1566.” What a banner year for language and/or language confusion.

Is anything else on your list of confusing word pairs? If so, let me know, and I’ll try to add it to my upcoming posts!


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