Kris Spisak

Writing Tip 432: “Jive” vs. “Jibe” vs. “Gibe”

“jive” vs. “jibe” vs. “gibe” - dancing in the street
If we’re talking dancing in the street, maybe this doesn’t jibe with you, or maybe you won’t jive with me… let’s dig into the possibilities.

Let me tell you something that seriously doesn’t jive with me…

Okay, how do you think I could finish that sentence? Where do you think I’m going? What actually makes sense? Do you know the difference between “jive” vs. “jibe” vs. “gibe”?

There’s a chance I see this incorrectly written more frequently than I see it correct, so let’s talk this out:

But just to keep you on your toes…

The only problems here are that “jive” has been confused with “jibe” for so many decades (yes decades, nearly a century of this mistake in fact!), you see it in writing all of the time. Similarly, some dictionaries even accept “jibe” as an alternate spelling of “gibe” because of similar confusion.

You have to pay extra attention with this trio (“jive” vs. “jibe” vs. “gibe”).

So remember, if something doesn’t jive with me, that means it’s not willing to boogie. There may be many out there who don’t want to dance with me, but that’s okay. I’m all right with that. As for things that don’t jibe with me, maybe I should simply start with common language mistakes. How’s that?

Of course, I won’t gibe you about it. That’s not my style.

Because I know we can do better. And then we can dance about it. And it all comes full circle, doesn’t it?

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