Kris Spisak

Writing Tip 440: “Invisibility” or “Invincibility”?

“Invisibility” or “invincibility” - Transparent Butterfly Wings
Should we talk about this butterfly being partially “invisible” or “invincible”? Ooh, there’s a story hiding here.

Which would you rather have as your superpower: “invisibility” or “invincibility”? To be “invisible” or “invincible”?

Both have their perks, but that’s perhaps beside the point. Do you know the difference between these two words?


So many questions come up with this pairing:

Does the star “power up” give Mario and Luigi “invisibility” or “invincibility”?

Nintendo asks for confusion here with a partially transparent/invisible visual effect; however, technically, the star gives a character “invincibility,” as in they can walk into enemies without being harmed.

Did H.G. Wells write The Invisible Man or The Invincible Man?

In 1897, Wells wrote The Invisible Man. “The Invincible Man” would be a different story, perhaps a superhero comic. Does that already exist?

Do new camera apps make that photo bomber invisible or invincible?

Okay, here’s a fascinating (terrifying?) idea, but as for now, you can erase people or other background items with some photo apps, making them seem “invisible.”

In the classic story of “The King’s New Clothes,” are his clothes invisible or invincible?

Ooh, trick question. The clothes aren’t there at all. (There’s a lesson about gullibility and not believing everything you’re told here I can’t help but give a shoutout to).


Yes, “invisibility” and “invincibility” are similar; however, we get sloppy when we don’t think before we write (or speak).

Both of these words have been around a long time, since the 14th and 15th century, respectively.

As for superpowers, in video games or otherwise, with great strength comes great responsibility, but for the sake of this conversation, let’s just stick to the responsibility of getting our language right.

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