Kris Spisak

Writing Tip 159: “Every once and a while” vs. “Every once in a while”

Every once in a whileThis idiom is up there with “for all intents and purposes” (not “intensive purposes”), “hunger pangs” (not “pains”), and “exacting” (not “extracting”) revenge for how often it is confused by writers and speakers alike.

Reminder: “Every once in a while” is the proper form of this expression—not “every once and a while,” not “every once in awhile.”

Every once in a while, I seem to notice a certain mistake all over the place.

Every once in a while, I can be polite and not point an accusatory red pen at the offenders.

Every once in a while, I need new red pens because I tend to run them dry.

We’ve already discussed the differences between “awhile” and “a while,” but this expression needed a note of its own. Are you writing it correctly?

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