Writing Tip 51: (Since vs. Because)

Since v BecauseThese two words aren’t actually interchangeable, although a lot of people use them as if they were. “Since” refers to time. “Because” refers to causation.

For example: Since I gave birth to my second child, keeping up with my writing tips is a whole new challenge. Because I gave birth to my second child, I didn’t have time for NaNoWriMo. Do you see the difference? In the first sentence, we’re talking about a time period – between then and now; in the second, we’re talking about cause and effect.

Yes, we’re celebrating the arrival of the newest intern on the K. S. Writing team. She’s already supportive of her mommy’s writing career, waiting to arrive until I finished a major manuscript rewrite. (Manuscript rewrite? Yes, it’s true. If you want to see the latest opening, check it out here.)
