Kris Spisak

Writing Tip 335: “Minuscule” vs. “Miniscule”

“Minuscule” vs. “Miniscule”
Sure, he’s “mini,” but is he “miniscule”?

Itty bitty, tiny little hiccups in our writing might not always be noticed, but that doesn’t mean we still shouldn’t try to do better—even when some people say these mistakes are okay.

I know what you’re thinking: How can people simply make up a new spelling and have it become normalized because of misspelling it so often? Depending on your outlook, this is the awesome or disturbing thing about the English language over time. Just like “pleaded” vs. “pled,” “light” vs. “lit,” and “imbed” vs. “embed,” words and their spellings evolve. Heck, sometimes mistakes even replace the original logical forms entirely.

Will we see this with “miniscule”? Time will only tell. But until then, let’s try to get it right, folks.

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