Kris Spisak

Writing Tip 326: “Now a Days” vs. “Nowadays” vs. “Nowdays”

“now a days” vs. “nowadays” - dumbfounded monkeys
You might be dumbfounded to learn you can just mash words together like this and call it correct, but it’s as true with “nowadays” as it is with the word “dumbfounded.”

Sometimes, when it comes to spelling, we might feel like we’re in a daze, especially when it comes to words that we hear said more than we see written.

If you were writing this phrase in the fourteenth century—if you were lucky enough to know how to read or write in that era—you would have been using a multiple word form, but language has evolved since then.

Nowadays, the correct spelling is “nowadays”—all one word. No hyphens or spaces needed.

People seem to get nervous around words like this, as if they’re just sticking things together that don’t really belong, portmanteaus like baconator or sharknado. But like spork and netiquette, this is a mashup that truly works.

“Nowdays,” on the other hand, is simply a typo. I feel like I have days like that sometimes, when everyone seems to want things now, now now… but that’s not really what anyone’s going for with this attempt at spelling.

Got it? Good.

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