Kris Spisak

Writing Tip 108: Unpalatable (Palate vs Palette vs Pallet)

Wine palate or palette or palletIf you have an artist who’s also a foodie, who has a day job driving the forklift at a big box store, do you know what vocabulary you should be using in all instances? Hey, everyone needs a day job—most of us anyway—so it could happen.

This spelling distinction doesn’t come up often, but when it does, there’s often confusion.

“Palate” is the word used when describing your sense of taste or simply the roof of your mouth.

A “palette” is a selection of colors or the flat board an artist mixes her paints upon.

A “pallet” is the large platform upon which goods are loaded or rarely a term used for a makeshift bed, perhaps made of straw.

So where does that leave our artist?

She’s developing her wine palate while debating her palette for her next canvas. She had a long day at work moving pallets, so this is her favorite way to unwind.

Got it?

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