Kris Spisak

Writing Tip 42: “Pour Over” vs. “Pore Over”

To Pour or Pore MilkOne of these phrases could be used when you’re intensely studying something; the other is what you do when you add milk to your cereal.

“To Pore,” meaning to meditate deeply, was once a commonly used verb, but it’s fallen out of fashion along with the popularity of Roman numerals and illuminated manuscripts. This sense of “pore” most likely derived from two Old English words: spyrian, a verb meaning “to investigate” and spor, a noun meaning “a trace, vestige.” The contemporary phrase “to pore over” is really this old verb’s last burst of life, so it’s time for us to respect our elders. Don’t confuse this historical word with a splash over your morning Wheaties. Am I right?

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